Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Creating a Website Day Three

Tuesday, June 5th:

What I learned:
 I learned how to connect websites to my webpages that my future families of students could use.  I learned how to make a picture as big as the box in which it was enclosed.  I learned how to change the color and font of a text.  I learned how to link a "home" link on my web pages so that people who visit my website can easily get back to the home page.
What I liked:
I liked being able to control what I wanted on the website.  If I needed help on something the people around me and the professor were really helpful.  I had a hard time getting some of these things to work, but once I had some help it was easier.  I also liked the fact that I could put things where I wanted them to go.  I also liked that from having the ideas that I wanted that I was able to be productive and finish this assignment in class.

What I didn't like:
I did not like that I could not do certain things sometimes, but again once I got some help I was able to do all of the things that I wanted on the website.  It was a little frustrating not being able to right click and copy and past a website in the little link box, but also once I knew how to do it with the keyboard I had an easier and more efficient way of getting the assignment done.

How I would use this in a classroom:
As I believe I also stated in my last two blogs, I would use this website to keep my students and families updated on what is going on in the classroom.  I want to give them some resources that they can use to help their child expand their learning and to also be aware of what is going on in the school.  This way parents can also know what their child is learning and be actively involved in their child's learning.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Creating a Website Day Two

Tuesday May 29th:
Today in class we worked with Dreamweaver some more and it went differently than I thought that it would.  I was expecting to get really frustrated, but honestly I didn't which is good.  I only got a little frustrated a few times when something would not work, but other than that I had an alright time working with the program.

What did I like:
I liked that I could create what I wanted on the website and that I could control where I wanted things to go.  I was also able to choose what color I wanted and the theme which was nice.  I became more familiar with the website as I worked with it more and did more things like add pictures as well.

What did I not like:
I did not like how I had to start over at one point when creating the pages that I wanted for each subsection, but rather than start from scratch each time I saved them all again and deleted some to make it easier on me.  I also did not like that if you used a certain font for one of the pages, that we could not combine the pages and have all of these different fonts, but I guess if I would have created one main page with a bunch of fonts I could have had all of them.

How I would use this in the classroom:
I would use this as a resource for my students and their families to help them with information and resources.  It could be used to help families keep updated on what is going on in the classroom and it could be used as a resource for my students if they want to expand their learning.  It could also be used to help my families find information like the school website and announcements on what will be coming up soon in the classroom or if I need to tell my students families some important information.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Creating a Website Day One

 Tuesday May 22nd:

What I learned:
Last class we started learning how to build a website.  I have never built one before, but it was interesting.  We first we created an account and a practice website to help us become familiar with working with creating a website.  I really liked the website that I started to make, but after working on that for a while we had to move on and work with another program called Dreamweaver.

What I liked:
 As I mentioned in the paragraph above, I really liked working with the first program.  After I got the hang of it I started having an easier time working with the program and getting it to do what I wanted.  I liked that I could type what I wanted and I could add pictures that I wanted.

What I didn't like:
Some of the things that  I did not like while working with the websites was that with the first website creating program I had a hard time changing things at first.  It took me a little bit to figure out how to change things.  The website did break down how to change some things, but I wish it would have done that more.  I also did not really like working with the second program (Dreamweaver).  I may feel different about it after class next week, but I feel like there were a lot of steps to do one thing.  Plus I am afraid that I am not going to remember all of the different codes to do things if I were to do this program later again.  I may feel different after next weeks class though.

How I would use this in the classroom:
I believe that I would mainly use this in my classroom to keep my students and their parents updated on what is going on in our class.  I want to give my students and their parents a way to keep updated on what they are learning and to also give them some resources for taking their learning a step further.  I want to also give parents a resource during the summer so that if they wanted to work on different subjects with their child they could.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

iPods, iPads, Teaching Station, and Smart Boards

Tuesday May 15th

What I liked:
I thought that it was really fun to work with the different types of technology today.  I first worked with my group on the iPod assignment.  The iPod was really easy to use and there were some fun apps that I believe that students would have enjoyed using.  I really liked that we had the option to use all of these different types of technology.  I had only worked with the teacher instruction area once, so it was fun to be able to go up and look at how it worked some more.  I did not end up trying out the iPad, but I have used one before so I know how it works.  I did like working with the smartboard as well.

What I didn't like:
I did not like that sometimes I would get confused with the different types of technology and how it all seems so similar, but there are actually some differences.  For example, when working at the teacher station it was a little overwhelming looking at all of the buttons and this made me a little uncomfortable, but after Professor Saxowsky showed us how to operate the station I felt a little more comfortable with the technology.

What did I learn:
I learned how to use the teacher station some more which was interesting.  I did not know that we were able to view one of the students screens and that when we do that we cannot hear if a video is playing because it will only work throught the speakers for the teacher's computer and not the students.  I also learned that a lot of schools are starting to use iPods in the schools.

How would I use this in a classroom:
I would use this in my classroom by having my students answer questions, take notes, and do different activities with the iPods.  Recently this has been a topic of conversation in many of my classes and I also agree with what I heard a guest speaker in one of my classes say about this subject.  She believed that the iPods should be used to help teach, not to teach.  I agree with this in that if I wanted to do a review session with my students on a particular subject, that I could do this with the iPods.  I do agree though that I would not want my students to just learn from the technology because I believe that they may be engaged, but it takes away from working together in groups if they are always individually staring at a screen.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


May 8th

What I learned:
In this class I learned how to use the podcast application.  We first started by becoming familiar with what podcasts were by watching some.  Some of the ones that we found were fun and interesting and others were not.  After sharing what we found with the class we then had to make our own podcast.  I will admit, it was hard to come up with an idea that I wanted to teach at first because I could not really pick one.  Finally thought I chose to do an art lesson.  I learned how to upload pictures onto the program and I am not done with my podcast yet, so I still need to add the sound/words.

What I liked:
I liked seeing all of the different podcasts and getting ideas for what I wanted to do.  I thought that it was a lot of fun to try to find the pictures that I needed for my lesson.  I had to search key words and make sure that is what I wanted before I just chose it.  I also liked that I could pick the topic that I wanted to talk about.  It was not just given to me and I had no say and was not interested in the subject.  I got to pick and I think this made me more interested in the subject because I got to pick.

What I didn't like:
I did not like that the program that we were using was sometimes a little hard to use.  It was hard to try to get the pictures to be the right amount of time.  This was frustrating because it would not do what I wanted it to do at times, but if I was patient and worked with it, it became a little easier.  I am not sure if I am going to have this problem with putting the sound to the pictures, but I will find out soon.

How I would use this in the classroom:
I would use this in the classroom by creating presentations for my students to learn different subjects.  For example if we did a unit on health, I could make a short presentation "hook," to get the lesson started.  I could also use this as part of the main lesson too if I wanted to.  If my students were old enough, I could also have them make their own podcasts as presentations for the class.  They could do a book report, a science experiment, a history report, and more.  So both the teacher could use this and the students.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Tuesday May 1st:

What I learned: 
I learned how to tell if a website is real or fake during class.  We looked at a variety of websites and we had to determine if it was real or fake.  To do this we looked at where the source of information came from and evaluated how reliable it is.  I also learned that it is helpful to rely on some information that you already know if it is true because it can help us also with information that we may doubt.  Overall though it taught

What I liked:
I liked doing this activity because I think it will help me in the future.  If I doubt a website in the future, I will be able to figure out if it is real or fake in the future.  I liked looking at different websites and figuring out if it was real or not.  Some of the sites were funny, but others were not.

What I didn't like:
I didn't like that I did not know where to look at first to figure out if it is fake,  I felt like I did not know what I was doing and when we finally did it as a class I felt more comfortable doing this activity.  That was the only thing that I did not like while doing this activity because it was a little frustrating not knowing what I was doing.

How I would use this in my classroom:
I would use this in my classroom by giving my students sites that they can use in the future and also look at ones that they find and evaluate if they are acutally good or not.  I would also educate my students on how to check and see if the website is real or not, but this depends on the grade that I teach.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Google Earth Mapping

Tuesday April 24th:
We used Google Earth to make a map of different locations and to label five of them with a description and a name.  Also for two of them we had to include a website where people could research more about the area.  After we found our five different places, we then made a tour of all the places that included our pictures and website if it had one.  We also set the time that a person could look at the places so that if they wanted to look at the website, they could because they had enough time to click on it.  The tour also took them to many places in Oregon, not just one area in Oregon unless a person did that, but we were suppposed to do different areas.

What I liked:
I really liked doing the fun activities of looking up places that we know first to become familiar with the program.  I felt like I could connect with the program, have fun, and not feel like I have to do this.  I also liked being able to pick what I wanted to find out in this project.  We did not have to do cities or another thing to study.  We had guidelines, like the places had to be scattered and not just in one area.  This way a person could know multiple different places they could travel, but it would be nice to make one for just a certain county if a person had never been to that county before.

What I didn't like:
I did not like that sometimes the locations did not match up with the rivers that I was trying to find.  For example, when I tried to find the Calapooia River, it took me nearby it, but it did not show the actual name that was by the river so that I made sure to have the right one.  Sometimes it gave me an area that was not even nearby a river, or it was so small that maybe when I was looking I did not recognize it as a river.  This was frustrating because it made me think that I had the wrong area or river. 

What I learned:
I learned how to label different areas with a picture and a website which was fun after I got the hang of doing it.  It was a little intimidating at first to think of everything that I had to do, but after I got used to it, it became easier to use and it felt like a game because I had to find the location.  I learned also how to make the tour go together and have it have a certain amount of time.  Also within the tour, I learned how to add a website to two of them and I learned how to add pictures to the all of them.  This was fun to watch on the tour because it did not just show the name of the rivers, it showed a picture.

What I would use in the classroom:
I would have my students do an research project and for them to try to find a place that they want to research.  I would also have them make an ideal destination with things that they want to do.  They could plan a trip and we could take  virtual tour and they could present what they find and share it with the class.  The students could also look at a certain area in a different time, for example they could look at the city that they live in and as a class the teacher could show the students how a town has changed over the years.  Students could make a map of favorite places that they like to visit or go to in town.  This way if a new student moves to town, they could get to know the area and have an idea on what there is to do in town.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Group Video Work

 Tuesday April 17th:
Today we worked with iMovie.  First we made a video on bullying which was a lot of fun.  I have worked with a video camera before so it was easy for me to video tape people.  I liked going around and finding people that we could talk to and to get their definition of what bullying is to them.  All of the responses had a similar message even though they each used different ways of putting it.  We then put the videos onto the computer and saved them so that we could use them later. We are going to put in statistics soon to add to the video and some more videos so that we can finish our video.  I like how we have a piece of each person's video and how it changes rapidly.  I found like our professor has mentioned while watching videos, that it really does keep a person's attention if we jump around every two to three seconds.  I wanted to watch more as I was watching the rough draft of our video. We then had to add more clips and our statistics.  After we did that, we figured out what order we wanted to put everything in with transitions, a title page, and a credits page.

What did I learn:
I learned how to add music to a video, I learned how to shoot different angles on a camera, I learned how to upload the videos onto iMovie, and I learned how to zoom in on a video if we wanted it to be closer in to a person's face.  I learned by watching one of my partners put the clips together and how they cut the different pieces of the clip and put them together.  We worked together to figure out what order we wanted and what parts we wanted to put into the video.  I also learned how to open the iMovie and work on it when it was saved somewhere else by watching one of my partners.  I also learned from my partners how to put clips into the video and how to make the image move from one section of the photo/image to another (start to stop).  Near the end of working on our project I also learned how to put text on a video image, put transitions into the video, and a credits page on top of a video.  

What I liked: 
I liked learning all of the different skills with this project.  I also liked how the video seemed to change a lot even when we just added a few little things or changed the order.  I also liked the topic that we picked which was bullying because I do believe that bullying is a big problem that a lot of our students may face and I believe that if we as teachers/educators help to stop this that it will make our students lives better and encourage a environment that students feel safe to express themselves in.  

How would I use this in the classroom:
I would get each child's permission from their parents and I would have the students make a video similar to the one that I did.  Maybe we would make an informational video for students who go to the school to show them what is at the school and where things are.  This way if students are unfamiliar with the area, they can watch the video and become familiar with the area.  I would also use this to make videos of special events for my students, like for example Kindergarten Graduation.  I could get the parents permission and if the students wanted to say a few words, they could and I could give the video to the families to remember the event.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Photo shop

Tuesday April 10th:
During this class we learned about the use of photo shop, we looked at the many different types of photos and we created our own photo to see if we could make it look as realistic as possible.  To help us do this we took three different photos from three different sources and put them together to create one photo with the three images within the photo.  We also learned some ways to help us figure out if a photo is real or if it is photo shopped.  Some of the things that we looked at were the shadows, the flash that may appear on a person's face, if there is red-eye in both of the people's eyes, when looking at the gradient of a photo, can we tell if the photo is real or not, and when we look at the background.

What I learned from the class:
I thought that this activity was a lot of fun.  I enjoyed trying to put all three of the photos together, but it was a little frustrating when I did not know how to do something.  I know that I take a lot longer when working on things and I get frustrated when I do not know how to do something and it causes me to get further behind, but once I got started and worked on it for a while it did become a little easier.  I learned how to scan a photo onto the computer, I learned how to put the pictures together, I learned how to fade the outline of a photo to make it look realistic, and I learned how to upload the image up onto flickr.  I had not worked with photo shop before and I thought that it was a lot of fun and I learned a lot of new things.

How would I use this in my classroom:
I would use this in my classroom to make fun educational posters to put up around the room.  I would have my students help me with this by each year as a group we come up with a new poster and we use photos of the class or activities that we did to create them.  As a class we could come up with an educational class slogan, what we want on the poster, and on the back I would put all of the names of the students and put the year.  I could also make small copies of the poster to give to the students as a present at the end of the year so that they could remember the fun times that they had in the classroom.  I would also use this in my classroom to create games.  We could create game boards that the students could do during free time in the class or during recess if it is raining.  I believe that doing fun things like this in the classroom would really get the students involved and they would have a lot of fun learning.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Web 2.0 Discoveries

When looking at the Web 2.0 cite, I found a lot of different sites with interesting names, but there were three that stood out to me the most.

The first one was called "keepsy."  For this cite I found that this one was interesting because I could make a scrapbook online.  I could also personalize it, that way it was not just one scrapbook that everyone has made.  In the first few steps it asked if I wanted the pictures tilted or not, then I had to pick at least sixteen photos to do the demo, next it had me pick the order that I wanted the photos to go in, and then last but not least it had me pick the color of the scrapbook and I could also look at the actual scrapbook to see what it would look like.  I really liked this idea also because I could picture using it in the classroom.  I could easily make a scrapbook for each of my kids, but it would be a little expensive (I believe the books were at least $24.00 each).

The second one was called "finetune" and I liked this one because I could make my own music list.  I would just enter an artists name and this program would make a list of music that I may like based on that artist.  I would type the name in the "Instant Gratification" box and then it generates a list of music for me.  I could also use this one in the classroom  by having it find "kid friendly" songs to put into a list and then I could use the songs to play in my classroom as background music, or as sing along's if it would help with a lesson.

The third and last one that I looked at was called, "kideos."  I thought that this site was cute and interesting because you could look up videos of children or animals and play them.  Some of them seemed funny.  I would want to check and make sure that the ones that I use would be appropriate for the classroom by watching them and having a co-worker check them as well to make sure that they are okay.  I would use this in the classroom after doing this step if it had an educational purpose.

I found that all three of these seemed like fun ideas to use in the classroom.  Some of them would be used in the actual classroom and the other one would be used to give the students so that they can look back on some of the fun times that they had in the classroom.

My Bucket List:

When I thought about some of the things that I would like to put on my bucket list, I found that some of these things were similar to goals that I would like to accomplish in my life.  Some of them are a "one time occurrence," others are things that I would like to do for a long time.

For example, I would like to be a teacher.  I like working with children and helping them new subjects that they had maybe never thought of before.  Another thing that I would like to do in the future is to also teach at a small dance studio.  I have danced for a really long time and I love to dance.  I want to help children who would like to dance to become dancers.  I would also want them to have fun no matter what.  This way the children/students can dance because they want to, not because they were forced to.  Another thing that I would like to do is dance for as long as I can.  I have loved dancing and it is my stress reliever, by favorite way of exercising, and it is a lot of fun.

Some of my "one time occurrence" bucket list goals are scuba diving, driving a jet ski, to go watch an actual T.V. show and sit in the audience, to dance on pointe, and outdoor rock climbing.  Some of these if I find that I like them I may try to do them again in the future, but I would like to at least do them once.  I think that I would add more in the future as I come across new ideas and activities, but for now these are my ideas that I would like to do.

Also on my bucket list are some places that I would like to visit.  Some of these places are Crater Lake, Greece, Canada, Australia, and Switzerland.  I believe that these places would be a lot of fun to take a trip there and that they would have a lot of good sites to see.

So for my bucket list, I have a lot of different things that I would like to do and I really hope that one day I will get to accomplish all of them, but if I do not it is okay.  Some of them may be in a few years, others may be much later in my life, but I hope to do them all one day so it does not matter when I do them.