Saturday, April 7, 2012

My Bucket List:

When I thought about some of the things that I would like to put on my bucket list, I found that some of these things were similar to goals that I would like to accomplish in my life.  Some of them are a "one time occurrence," others are things that I would like to do for a long time.

For example, I would like to be a teacher.  I like working with children and helping them new subjects that they had maybe never thought of before.  Another thing that I would like to do in the future is to also teach at a small dance studio.  I have danced for a really long time and I love to dance.  I want to help children who would like to dance to become dancers.  I would also want them to have fun no matter what.  This way the children/students can dance because they want to, not because they were forced to.  Another thing that I would like to do is dance for as long as I can.  I have loved dancing and it is my stress reliever, by favorite way of exercising, and it is a lot of fun.

Some of my "one time occurrence" bucket list goals are scuba diving, driving a jet ski, to go watch an actual T.V. show and sit in the audience, to dance on pointe, and outdoor rock climbing.  Some of these if I find that I like them I may try to do them again in the future, but I would like to at least do them once.  I think that I would add more in the future as I come across new ideas and activities, but for now these are my ideas that I would like to do.

Also on my bucket list are some places that I would like to visit.  Some of these places are Crater Lake, Greece, Canada, Australia, and Switzerland.  I believe that these places would be a lot of fun to take a trip there and that they would have a lot of good sites to see.

So for my bucket list, I have a lot of different things that I would like to do and I really hope that one day I will get to accomplish all of them, but if I do not it is okay.  Some of them may be in a few years, others may be much later in my life, but I hope to do them all one day so it does not matter when I do them.

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