Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Creating a Website Day Three

Tuesday, June 5th:

What I learned:
 I learned how to connect websites to my webpages that my future families of students could use.  I learned how to make a picture as big as the box in which it was enclosed.  I learned how to change the color and font of a text.  I learned how to link a "home" link on my web pages so that people who visit my website can easily get back to the home page.
What I liked:
I liked being able to control what I wanted on the website.  If I needed help on something the people around me and the professor were really helpful.  I had a hard time getting some of these things to work, but once I had some help it was easier.  I also liked the fact that I could put things where I wanted them to go.  I also liked that from having the ideas that I wanted that I was able to be productive and finish this assignment in class.

What I didn't like:
I did not like that I could not do certain things sometimes, but again once I got some help I was able to do all of the things that I wanted on the website.  It was a little frustrating not being able to right click and copy and past a website in the little link box, but also once I knew how to do it with the keyboard I had an easier and more efficient way of getting the assignment done.

How I would use this in a classroom:
As I believe I also stated in my last two blogs, I would use this website to keep my students and families updated on what is going on in the classroom.  I want to give them some resources that they can use to help their child expand their learning and to also be aware of what is going on in the school.  This way parents can also know what their child is learning and be actively involved in their child's learning.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Creating a Website Day Two

Tuesday May 29th:
Today in class we worked with Dreamweaver some more and it went differently than I thought that it would.  I was expecting to get really frustrated, but honestly I didn't which is good.  I only got a little frustrated a few times when something would not work, but other than that I had an alright time working with the program.

What did I like:
I liked that I could create what I wanted on the website and that I could control where I wanted things to go.  I was also able to choose what color I wanted and the theme which was nice.  I became more familiar with the website as I worked with it more and did more things like add pictures as well.

What did I not like:
I did not like how I had to start over at one point when creating the pages that I wanted for each subsection, but rather than start from scratch each time I saved them all again and deleted some to make it easier on me.  I also did not like that if you used a certain font for one of the pages, that we could not combine the pages and have all of these different fonts, but I guess if I would have created one main page with a bunch of fonts I could have had all of them.

How I would use this in the classroom:
I would use this as a resource for my students and their families to help them with information and resources.  It could be used to help families keep updated on what is going on in the classroom and it could be used as a resource for my students if they want to expand their learning.  It could also be used to help my families find information like the school website and announcements on what will be coming up soon in the classroom or if I need to tell my students families some important information.